
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Unity3D Client Reference

Multiplayer  class documentationClass GameRequests

Namespace: PlayerIOClient
Language: C# / .NET

The Player.IO GameRequests service


public GameRequest[]
WaitingRequests  [read-only]

The list of oldest received requests that are waiting to be processed and deleted.


public void
Delete (GameRequest[] requests, Callback successCallback)

Delete the given requests. Will also update the WaitingRequests property after deletion is complete.

public void
Delete (GameRequest[] requests, Callback successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Delete the given requests. Will also update the WaitingRequests property after deletion is complete.

public void
Refresh (Callback successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Refresh the list of received requests.

public void
Refresh (Callback successCallback)

Refresh the list of received requests.

public void
Send (string requestType, Dictionary<string, string> requestData, String[] recipients, Callback successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Send a GameRequest to the specified recipients

public void
Send (string requestType, Dictionary<string, string> requestData, String[] recipients, Callback successCallback)

Send a GameRequest to the specified recipients

public void
ShowSendDialog (string requestType, Dictionary<string, string> requestData, Callback<GameRequestSendDialogResult> callback)

Show a dialog to send GameRequests


public GameRequest[]
WaitingRequests  [read-only]

The list of oldest received requests that are waiting to be processed and deleted.


public void
Delete (GameRequest[] requests, Callback successCallback)

Delete the given requests. Will also update the WaitingRequests property after deletion is complete.


GameRequest[] requests
The list of requests to delete.
Callback successCallback
Callback that will be called when the operation succeeds.


public void
Delete (GameRequest[] requests, Callback successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Delete the given requests. Will also update the WaitingRequests property after deletion is complete.


GameRequest[] requests
The list of requests to delete.
Callback successCallback
Callback that will be called when the operation succeeds.
Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback
Callback that will be called instead of successCallback if an error occurs during the operation.


public void
Refresh (Callback successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Refresh the list of received requests.


Callback successCallback
Callback that will be called when the operation succeeds.
Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback
Callback that will be called instead of successCallback if an error occurs during the operation.


public void
Refresh (Callback successCallback)

Refresh the list of received requests.


Callback successCallback
Callback that will be called when the operation succeeds.


public void
Send (string requestType, Dictionary<string, string> requestData, String[] recipients, Callback successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Send a GameRequest to the specified recipients


string requestType
The request type of the request to send.
Dictionary<string, string> requestData
Data that will be available to the recipient of the request with information about the request. Useful for passing any kind of data to the recipient.
String[] recipients
The recipients to send this request to.
Callback successCallback
Callback that will be called when the operation succeeds.
Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback
Callback that will be called instead of successCallback if an error occurs during the operation.


public void
Send (string requestType, Dictionary<string, string> requestData, String[] recipients, Callback successCallback)

Send a GameRequest to the specified recipients


string requestType
The request type of the request to send.
Dictionary<string, string> requestData
Data that will be available to the recipient of the request with information about the request. Useful for passing any kind of data to the recipient.
String[] recipients
The recipients to send this request to.
Callback successCallback
Callback that will be called when the operation succeeds.


public void
ShowSendDialog (string requestType, Dictionary<string, string> requestData, Callback<GameRequestSendDialogResult> callback)

Show a dialog to send GameRequests


string requestType
The request type of the request to send.
Dictionary<string, string> requestData
Data that will be available to the recipient of the request with information about the request. Useful for passing any kind of data to the recipient.
Callback<GameRequestSendDialogResult> callback
Callback that will be called when the dialog close, with information about the requests sent. NOTE: There is no way to tell if the end-user copied a link and sent it to another player.