Objective-C Client Reference
Entry class for the initial connection to Player.IO.
Class: PIOAchievementAn Achievement
Class: PIOAchievementsThe Player.IO Achievements service
Class: PIOAdTrackThe Player.IO AdTrack service.
Class: PIOBigDBThe BigDB service.
Class: PIOBuyItemInfoRepresents information about the purchase of a PayVault item.
Class: PIOClientAccess class to the various services.
Class: PIOConnectionA connetion to a multiplayer room.
Class: PIODatabaseArrayRepresents an BigDB array of values that can be accessed by index.
Class: PIODatabaseObjectThis class represents a BigDB Database Object that has a key and a collection of named properties.
Class: PIOErrorAn error in Player.IO
Class: PIOErrorCodesThe error codes used by PIOError objects
Class: PIOErrorLogThe Player.IO ErrorLog service.
Class: PIOGameFSThe Player.IO GameFS service.
Class: PIOGameRequestA received game request.
Class: PIOGameRequestsThe Player.IO GameRequests service
Class: PIOGameRequestSendDialogResultThe object that contains the result of the GameRequestSendDialog
Class: PIOMessageRepresents a message sent between client and server.
Class: PIOMultiplayerThe Multiplayer Service
Class: PIONotificationAn IOS Notification. You must specify either the "alert" key or the "badgeCount" using the setWithKey method to create a valid notification object.
Class: PIONotificationEndpointNotifications Endpoint
Class: PIONotificationsThe Player.IO Notifications service.
Class: PIOOneScoreThe YGN OneScore service
Class: PIOPayVaultThe Player.IO PayVault.
Class: PIOPayVaultHistoryEntryAn entry in the user's PayVault history.
Class: PIOPlayerInsightPlayerInsight
Class: PIORegistrationErrorError class for PlayerIO QuickConnect registration errors.
Class: PIORoomInfoInformation about a room returned from listRooms
Class: PIOServerEndpointThe address and port where a game server can be reached
Class: PIOVaultItemRepresents information about an item in a user's Vault.
Class: PIOYahooThe Yahoo Service.
Class: PIOYahooProfileA Yahoo Profile
Class: PIOYahooProfilesThe YahooProfile Service.
Class: PIOYahooRelationsThe YahooRelations Service.