
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Android Client Reference

Android  class documentationClass Achievements

Namespace: com.playerio
Language: Java

The Player.IO Achievements service


public Achievement
get (String achievementId)

This method gets the specified achivement

public Achievement[]
getMyAchievements ()

The list of all achievements; the values of Progress and ProgressGoal will indicate whether the achievement is started/pending/complete.

public void
load (List<String> userIds, Callback<Map<String,Achievement[]>> callback)

Load achievements for the specified users.

public void
progressAdd (String achievementId, int progressDelta, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Add or subtract from the current progress of an achievement.

public void
progressComplete (String achievementId, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Complete the specified achievement, by setting the progress to the maximum (ProgressGoal) of the achievement.

public void
progressMax (String achievementId, int progress, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Sets the current progress value to the bigger value of progress or the current value, i.e; newProgress = Max(currentProgress,progress)

public void
progressSet (String achievementId, int progress, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Sets the progress of the specified achievement.

public void
refresh (Callback<Void> callback)

Refreshes MyAchievements public void refresh() throws PlayerIOError { refreshed(channel.achievementsRefresh(version)); } Refreshes MyAchievements

public void
removeAchievementCompletedHandler ()

Remove a handler to the OnComplete event

public void
setAchievementCompletedHandler (AchievementCompletedEventHandler onComplete)

Set a handler to the OnComplete event


public Achievement
get (String achievementId)

This method gets the specified achivement


String achievementId
The id of the achivement to get


public Achievement[]
getMyAchievements ()

The list of all achievements; the values of Progress and ProgressGoal will indicate whether the achievement is started/pending/complete.


public void
load (List<String> userIds, Callback<Map<String,Achievement[]>> callback)

Load achievements for the specified users.


List<String> userIds
Array of userIds to load achievements for.
Callback<Map<String,Achievement[]>> callback
Callback that will be called with a dictionary where the keys are userIds and the values are their achievements.


public void
progressAdd (String achievementId, int progressDelta, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Add or subtract from the current progress of an achievement.


String achievementId
The id of the achievement to add progress to.
int progressDelta
The delta value that will be added to the current progress of the achievement.
Callback<Achievement> callback
Callback that will be called with the updated Achievement.


public void
progressComplete (String achievementId, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Complete the specified achievement, by setting the progress to the maximum (ProgressGoal) of the achievement.


String achievementId
The id of the achievement to complete.
Callback<Achievement> callback
Callback that will be called with the updated Achievement.


public void
progressMax (String achievementId, int progress, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Sets the current progress value to the bigger value of progress or the current value, i.e; newProgress = Max(currentProgress,progress)


String achievementId
The id of the achievement to work on.
int progress
The possible new progress value that should be compared to the current progress value
Callback<Achievement> callback
Callback that will be called with the updated Achievement.


public void
progressSet (String achievementId, int progress, Callback<Achievement> callback)

Sets the progress of the specified achievement.


String achievementId
The id of the achievement to add progress to.
int progress
The new progress value for the achievement.
Callback<Achievement> callback
Callback that will be called with the updated Achievement.


public void
refresh (Callback<Void> callback)

Refreshes MyAchievements public void refresh() throws PlayerIOError { refreshed(channel.achievementsRefresh(version)); } Refreshes MyAchievements


Callback<Void> callback
Callback that will be called when the refresh is complete.


Remove a handler to the OnComplete event


public void
setAchievementCompletedHandler (AchievementCompletedEventHandler onComplete)

Set a handler to the OnComplete event


AchievementCompletedEventHandler onComplete