
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

New Feature: Bans and Domain Whitelist

Posted: 15 Oct 2019

Today we released a couple of features that give you more access control over your game.

The first feature works for games that are played in a web browser, and it allows you to whitelist the domains that your game can be hosted on. When you game is played from any other domain, all calls to Authenticate will simply fail.

If you use SiteBox to host your game, you can easily add your own domain, as well as the sitebox-generated test domains to make sure your game only works when it's hosted in places you control.

The second feature allows you to ban users from your game. You can either enter a ConnectUserId, an IP address, or an IP address wildcard. Any API calls by a user that fits these criteria will fail, making the game unplayable for that user.

You can access these features on the main game Settings page, so go check it out, and let us know what you think!