
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Android Client Reference

Android  class documentationClass PublishingNetworkRelations

Namespace: com.playerio
Language: Java

The PlayerIO Publishing Network relations service


public PublishingNetworkProfile[]
getFriends ()

List of all friends

public boolean
isBlocked (String userId)

Check if a specific user is blocked

public boolean
isFriend (String userId)

Check if a specific user is a friend

public void
showBlockedUsersManager (Activity activity, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows the a dialog where the user can manage their blocked users list.

public void
showFriendsManager (Activity activity, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows the a dialog where the user can manage their friends list.

public void
showRequestBlockUserDialog (Activity activity, String userId, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows a dialog where the user can choose to block a specific user

public void
showRequestFriendshipDialog (Activity activity, String userId, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows a dialog where the user can choose to send a friend request to the specified user.


public PublishingNetworkProfile[]
getFriends ()

List of all friends


public boolean
isBlocked (String userId)

Check if a specific user is blocked


String userId
The userId of the user to check.


public boolean
isFriend (String userId)

Check if a specific user is a friend


String userId
The userId of the user to check.


public void
showBlockedUsersManager (Activity activity, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows the a dialog where the user can manage their blocked users list.


Activity activity
Callback<Void> closedCallback
Callback that will be called when the dialog closes


public void
showFriendsManager (Activity activity, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows the a dialog where the user can manage their friends list.


Activity activity
Callback<Void> closedCallback
Callback that will be called when the dialog closes


public void
showRequestBlockUserDialog (Activity activity, String userId, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows a dialog where the user can choose to block a specific user


Activity activity
String userId
The userId of the user to block
Callback<Void> closedCallback
Callback that will be called when the dialog is closed


public void
showRequestFriendshipDialog (Activity activity, String userId, Callback<Void> closedCallback)

Shows a dialog where the user can choose to send a friend request to the specified user.


Activity activity
String userId
The userId of the user that will receive the friendship request, if sent
Callback<Void> closedCallback
Callback that will be called when the dialog is closed