
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Objective-C Client Reference

Multiplayer  class documentationClass PIOMultiplayer

Language: Objective-C

The Multiplayer Service

Here's how to create/join a room and send and receive messages:


- (void)
Creates a multiplayer room (if it does not exist already) and joins it.
- (void)
Creates a multiplayer room (if it does not exist already) and joins it.
- (void)
Create a multiplayer room on the Player.IO infrastructure.
- (void)
Create a multiplayer room on the Player.IO infrastructure.
- (PIOServerEndpoint*)
If set to non-nil value, rooms will be created on the development server at the address defined by the server endpoint, instead of using the live Player.IO servers.
- (void)
Join a running multiplayer room.
- (void)
Join a running multiplayer room.
- (void)
List the currently running multiplayer rooms.
- (void)
List the currently running multiplayer rooms.
- (void)
If set to non-nil value, rooms will be created on the development server at the address defined by the server endpoint, instead of using the live Player.IO servers.


Creates a multiplayer room (if it does not exist already) and joins it.


NSString* roomId
The id of the room you wish to create/join.
NSString* roomType
The name of the room type you wish to run the room as. This value should match one of the [RoomType(...)] attributes of your uploaded code. A room type of 'bounce' is always available.
BOOL visible
If the room doesn't exist: Should the room be visible when listing rooms with GetRooms upon creation?
NSDictionary* roomData
If the room doesn't exist: The data to initialize the room with upon creation.
NSDictionary* joinData
Data to send to the room with additional information about the join.
void(^)(PIOConnection*connection) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the established connection when the room has been joined




Creates a multiplayer room (if it does not exist already) and joins it.


NSString* roomId
The id of the room you wish to create/join.
NSString* roomType
The name of the room type you wish to run the room as. This value should match one of the [RoomType(...)] attributes of your uploaded code. A room type of 'bounce' is always available.
BOOL visible
If the room doesn't exist: Should the room be visible when listing rooms with GetRooms upon creation?
NSDictionary* roomData
If the room doesn't exist: The data to initialize the room with upon creation.
NSDictionary* joinData
Data to send to the room with additional information about the join.
void(^)(PIOConnection*connection) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the established connection when the room has been joined
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
A callback block that will be called on error, with information about the error.


Create a multiplayer room on the Player.IO infrastructure.


NSString* roomId
The id you wish to assign to your new room - You can use this to connect to the specific room later as long as it still exists.
NSString* roomType
The name of the room type you wish to run the room as. This value should match one of the [RoomType(...)] attributes of your uploaded code. A room type of 'bounce' is always available.
BOOL visible
Should the room be visible when listing rooms with GetRooms or not?
NSDictionary* roomData
The data to initialize the room with, this can be read with ListRooms and changed from the serverside.
void(^)(NSString*roomId) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the final room id of the created room.




Create a multiplayer room on the Player.IO infrastructure.


NSString* roomId
The id you wish to assign to your new room - You can use this to connect to the specific room later as long as it still exists.
NSString* roomType
The name of the room type you wish to run the room as. This value should match one of the [RoomType(...)] attributes of your uploaded code. A room type of 'bounce' is always available.
BOOL visible
Should the room be visible when listing rooms with GetRooms or not?
NSDictionary* roomData
The data to initialize the room with, this can be read with ListRooms and changed from the serverside.
void(^)(NSString*roomId) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the final room id of the created room.
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
A callback block that will be called on error, with information about the error.


If set to non-nil value, rooms will be created on the development server at the address defined by the server endpoint, instead of using the live Player.IO servers.

Return Value



Join a running multiplayer room.


NSString* roomId
The id of the room you wish to connect to.
NSDictionary* joinData
Data to send to the room with additional information about the join.
void(^)(PIOConnection*connection) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the established connection when the room has been joined




Join a running multiplayer room.


NSString* roomId
The id of the room you wish to connect to.
NSDictionary* joinData
Data to send to the room with additional information about the join.
void(^)(PIOConnection*connection) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the established connection when the room has been joined
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
A callback block that will be called on error, with information about the error.


List the currently running multiplayer rooms.


NSString* roomType
The type of room you wish to list.
NSDictionary* searchCriteria
Only rooms with the same values in their roomdata will be returned.
NSUInteger resultLimit
The maximum amount of rooms you want to receive. Use 0 for 'as many as possible'.
NSUInteger resultOffset
The offset into the list you wish to start listing at.
void(^)(NSArray*rooms) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the list of rooms found


PlayerIOError, PlayerIOError


List the currently running multiplayer rooms.


NSString* roomType
The type of room you wish to list.
NSDictionary* searchCriteria
Only rooms with the same values in their roomdata will be returned.
NSUInteger resultLimit
The maximum amount of rooms you want to receive. Use 0 for 'as many as possible'.
NSUInteger resultOffset
The offset into the list you wish to start listing at.
void(^)(NSArray*rooms) successBlock
A callback block that will be called with the list of rooms found
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
A callback block that will be called on error, with information about the error.


If set to non-nil value, rooms will be created on the development server at the address defined by the server endpoint, instead of using the live Player.IO servers.


PIOServerEndpoint* developmentServer