
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Backend Game Services

Power your game entirely on PlayerIO without any server management. Pick and choose from these services to build and power your game:

  • Achievements - Track player awards and milestones in your game.
  • Authentication - Securely connect users to PlayerIO.
  • BigDB - Scalable database solution for your game.
  • Errorlog - Log errors and info in your game for easy development.
  • GameFS - Hosted fileystem for all your game's assets.
  • GameRequests - Unified system for sending requests between users outside the game.
  • Leaderboards - Highscores and real-time rankings and toplists.
  • Multiplayer - Synchronous multiplayer server for real-time games and serverside code.
  • Notifications - Support for mobile push notifications.
  • PayVault - Secure managed virtual currency and inventory with multiple payment providers.
  • PlayerInsight - Comprehensive analytics tool and business intelligence system.
  • SiteBox - Build and hosts sites.