
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Objective-C Client Reference

Multiplayer  class documentationClass PIOPlayerInsight

Language: Objective-C



The numbers of players online in the entire game


- (NSString*)
Gets the segment value for the given segment group. For instance, if the player is tagged in the segment 'source:facebook' the method will return 'facebook' when called with 'source' as the argument.
- (void)
Refresh the players online counter and the current segments of the user.
- (void)
Refresh the players online counter and the current segments of the user.
- (void)
Refresh the players online counter and the current segments of the user.
- (void)
Every API call performs a session keep-alive implicitly, but if there will be long periods of inactivity this method can be used to ensure that the session that was started through Authenticate does not die out.
- (void)
Every API call performs a session keep-alive implicitly, but if there will be long periods of inactivity this method can be used to ensure that the session that was started through Authenticate does not die out.
- (void)
Every API call performs a session keep-alive implicitly, but if there will be long periods of inactivity this method can be used to ensure that the session that was started through Authenticate does not die out.
- (void)
Assign custom PlayerInsight segments to the current user
- (void)
Assign custom PlayerInsight segments to the current user
- (void)
Assign custom PlayerInsight segments to the current user
- (void)
Track the given event for the current user in PlayerInsight
- (void)
Track the given event for the current user in PlayerInsight
- (void)
Track the given event for the current user in PlayerInsight
- (void)
Track a completed payment in PlayerInsight from an external non-PayVault payment method.
- (void)
Track a completed payment in PlayerInsight from an external non-PayVault payment method.
- (void)
Track a completed payment in PlayerInsight from an external non-PayVault payment method.
- (void)
Tell PlayerInsight who invited the current user in this session. Used for viral analysis.
- (void)
Tell PlayerInsight who invited the current user in this session. Used for viral analysis.
- (void)
Tell PlayerInsight who invited the current user in this session. Used for viral analysis.

@property (nonatomic) int playersOnline

The numbers of players online in the entire game


Gets the segment value for the given segment group. For instance, if the player is tagged in the segment 'source:facebook' the method will return 'facebook' when called with 'source' as the argument.


NSString* segmentGroup
The segmentGroup to get the current segment value for.

Return Value



Refresh the players online counter and the current segments of the user.


Refresh the players online counter and the current segments of the user.


void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation succeeds


Refresh the players online counter and the current segments of the user.


void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation succeeds
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
Callback block that will be called instead of successBlock if an error occurs during the operation.


Every API call performs a session keep-alive implicitly, but if there will be long periods of inactivity this method can be used to ensure that the session that was started through Authenticate does not die out.


Every API call performs a session keep-alive implicitly, but if there will be long periods of inactivity this method can be used to ensure that the session that was started through Authenticate does not die out.


void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed


Every API call performs a session keep-alive implicitly, but if there will be long periods of inactivity this method can be used to ensure that the session that was started through Authenticate does not die out.


void(^)() successBlock
Callback that will be called when the operation was completed
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed


Assign custom PlayerInsight segments to the current user


NSMutableArray* segments
Custom segments for the user in PlayerInsight, each string should be in the form 'segmentGroup:value', like 'adcampaign:googleads'.


Assign custom PlayerInsight segments to the current user


NSMutableArray* segments
Custom segments for the user in PlayerInsight, each string should be in the form 'segmentGroup:value', like 'adcampaign:googleads'.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation succeeds


Assign custom PlayerInsight segments to the current user


NSMutableArray* segments
Custom segments for the user in PlayerInsight, each string should be in the form 'segmentGroup:value', like 'adcampaign:googleads'.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation succeeds
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
Callback block that will be called instead of successBlock if an error occurs during the operation.


Track the given event for the current user in PlayerInsight


NSString* eventType
The name of the event to track.
int value
The amount to add to the counter value.


Track the given event for the current user in PlayerInsight


NSString* eventType
The name of the event to track.
int value
The amount to add to the counter value.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed successfully


Track the given event for the current user in PlayerInsight


NSString* eventType
The name of the event to track.
int value
The amount to add to the counter value.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed successfully
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
Callback block that will be called instead of successBlock if an error occurs during the operation.


Track a completed payment in PlayerInsight from an external non-PayVault payment method.


NSString* currency
The currency the payment was made in.
int amount
The amount of the payment in the given currency.


Track a completed payment in PlayerInsight from an external non-PayVault payment method.


NSString* currency
The currency the payment was made in.
int amount
The amount of the payment in the given currency.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed successfully


Track a completed payment in PlayerInsight from an external non-PayVault payment method.


NSString* currency
The currency the payment was made in.
int amount
The amount of the payment in the given currency.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed successfully
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
Callback block that will be called instead of successBlock if an error occurs during the operation.


Tell PlayerInsight who invited the current user in this session. Used for viral analysis.


NSString* invitingUserid
The connectUserId of the user who invited this user.
NSString* invitationChannel
An identifier for the channel the invitation was received over, like 'email' or 'fb_invite'.


Tell PlayerInsight who invited the current user in this session. Used for viral analysis.


NSString* invitingUserid
The connectUserId of the user who invited this user.
NSString* invitationChannel
An identifier for the channel the invitation was received over, like 'email' or 'fb_invite'.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed successfully


Tell PlayerInsight who invited the current user in this session. Used for viral analysis.


NSString* invitingUserid
The connectUserId of the user who invited this user.
NSString* invitationChannel
An identifier for the channel the invitation was received over, like 'email' or 'fb_invite'.
void(^)() successBlock
Callback block that will be called when the operation was completed successfully
void(^)(PIOError*error) errorBlock
Callback block that will be called instead of successBlock if an error occurs during the operation.