
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Multiplayer Reference

Multiplayer  class documentationClass PublishingNetworkProfiles

Namespace: PlayerIO.GameLibrary
Language: C# / .NET

The PlayerIO Publishing Network profile service


public PublishingNetworkProfile
MyProfile  [read-only]

The profile of the current user


public void
LoadProfiles (String[] userIds, Callback<PublishingNetworkProfile[]> successCallback)

Load a set of PlayerIO Publishing Network profiles

public void
LoadProfiles (String[] userIds, Callback<PublishingNetworkProfile[]> successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Load a set of PlayerIO Publishing Network profiles


public PublishingNetworkProfile
MyProfile  [read-only]

The profile of the current user


public void
LoadProfiles (String[] userIds, Callback<PublishingNetworkProfile[]> successCallback)

Load a set of PlayerIO Publishing Network profiles


String[] userIds
The userIds of the profiles to load.
Callback<PublishingNetworkProfile[]> successCallback
Callback that will be called with the loaded profiles.


public void
LoadProfiles (String[] userIds, Callback<PublishingNetworkProfile[]> successCallback, Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback)

Load a set of PlayerIO Publishing Network profiles


String[] userIds
The userIds of the profiles to load.
Callback<PublishingNetworkProfile[]> successCallback
Callback that will be called with the loaded profiles.
Callback<PlayerIOError> errorCallback
Callback that will be called if the load fails.