
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

HTML5 (Javascript) Client Reference

javascript (html5) PlayerIOErrorCode class informationClass PlayerIOErrorCode

Language: Javascript (HTML5)

This class contains a list of all the error codes that can be returned from PlayerIO calls


Here is an example of authenticating and then handling an UnknownGame error:


PlayerIOErrorCode.AccessDenied :

Access is denied

PlayerIOErrorCode.AchievementsNotLoaded :

Cannot access achievements before Refresh() has been called.

PlayerIOErrorCode.AdTrackCheckCookie :

Check cookie required.

PlayerIOErrorCode.ArgumentOutOfRange :

The given argument value is outside the range of allowed values.

PlayerIOErrorCode.BigDBObjectDoesNotExist :

Could not locate the database object.

PlayerIOErrorCode.BigDBObjectTooLarge :

The object exceeds the maximum allowed size for BigDB objects.

PlayerIOErrorCode.BuyingCoinsNotSupportedByProvider :

The specified PayVault provider does not support buying coins

PlayerIOErrorCode.CircularReference :

Cannot create circular references inside database objects

PlayerIOErrorCode.DialogClosed :

The dialog was closed by the user

PlayerIOErrorCode.DirectPurchaseNotSupportedByProvider :

The specified PayVault provider does not support direct purchase

PlayerIOErrorCode.ExternalError :

An error occurred while contacting an external service

PlayerIOErrorCode.GameDisabled :

The game has been disabled, most likely because of missing payment.

PlayerIOErrorCode.GameRequestsNotLoaded :

Cannot access requests before Refresh() has been called.

PlayerIOErrorCode.GameRequired :

A game is required to do this action

PlayerIOErrorCode.GeneralError :

A general error occurred

PlayerIOErrorCode.HeartbeatFailed :

The server could not complete the heartbeat

PlayerIOErrorCode.IndexOutOfBounds :

The index was out of bounds from the range of acceptable values

PlayerIOErrorCode.InternalError :

An unexpected error occurred inside the Player.IO webservice. Please try again.

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidArgument :

The given argument did not have the expected value

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidAuth :

The auth given is invalid or malformatted

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidBigDBKey :

The key given for the BigDB object is not a valid BigDB key. Keys must be between 1 and 50 characters. Only letters, numbers, hyphens, underbars, and spaces are allowed.

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidGameCode :

The game code is invalid

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidIdentifier :

The given identifier does not match the expected format

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidIndexValue :

The value given for the index, does not match the expected type.

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidMessageFormat :

The message is malformatted

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidNotificationsEndpoint :

The given notifications endpoint is invalid

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidPassword :

The password supplied is incorrect

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidPayVaultProviderSetup :

The chosen provider is not configured correctly in the admin panel

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidPurchaseArguments :

The chosen provider rejected one or more of the purchase arguments

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidRegistrationData :

The supplied data is incorrect

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidSegment :

The given segment was invalid.

PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidType :

The given type was invalid

PlayerIOErrorCode.ItemNotInVault :

The item does not exist in the vault.

PlayerIOErrorCode.KeyAlreadyUsed :

The key is in use by another database object

PlayerIOErrorCode.LoggedOut :

This client has been logged out

PlayerIOErrorCode.MissingRoomId :

You can't join the room when the RoomID is null or the empty string

PlayerIOErrorCode.MissingValue :

A value is missing

PlayerIOErrorCode.NetworkIssue :

There is an issue with the network

PlayerIOErrorCode.NoServersAvailable :

There is no server in any of the selected server clusters for the game that are eligible to start a new room in (they're all at full capacity or there are no servers in any of the clusters). Either change the selected clusters for your game in the admin panel, try again later or start some more servers for one of your clusters.

PlayerIOErrorCode.NotASearchColumn :

The key you specified is not set as searchable. You can change the searchable keys in the admin panel for the server type

PlayerIOErrorCode.NotEnoughCoins :

The user does not have enough coins in the PayVault to complete the purchase or debit.

PlayerIOErrorCode.NotificationsNotLoaded :

Cannot access notification endpoints before Refresh() has been called.

PlayerIOErrorCode.NotObjectCreator :

The operation was aborted because the user attempting the operation was not the original creator of the object accessed.

PlayerIOErrorCode.OneScoreNotLoaded :

Cannot access OneScore before Refresh() has been called.

PlayerIOErrorCode.PublishingNetworkNotAvailable :

The Publishing Network features are only avaliable when authenticated to PlayerIO using Publishing Network authentication. Authentication methods are managed in the connections setting of your game in the admin panel on PlayerIO.

PlayerIOErrorCode.PublishingNetworkNotLoaded :

Cannot access profile, friends, ignored before Publishing Network has been loaded. Please refresh Publishing Network first.

PlayerIOErrorCode.QuickConnectMethodNotEnabled :

The QuickConnect method (simple, facebook, kongregate...) is not enabled for the game. You can enable the various methods in the admin panel for the game

PlayerIOErrorCode.RoomAlreadyExists :

You are unable to create room because there is already a room with the specified id

PlayerIOErrorCode.RoomDataTooLarge :

The room data for the room was over the allowed size limit

PlayerIOErrorCode.RoomIsFull :

The room already has the maxmium amount of users in it.

PlayerIOErrorCode.StaleVersion :

BigDB object could not be saved using optimistic locks as it's out of date.

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownAchievement :

Cannot find the achievement with the specified id.

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownConnection :

The connection requested is not known by the server

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownGame :

The game requested is not known by the server

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownIndex :

The specified index does not exist.

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownPartnerPayAction :

Unable to locate the custom PartnerPay action with the given key

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownPayVaultProvider :

There is no PayVault provider with the specified id

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownRoom :

There is no room running with that id

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownRoomType :

The game you're connected to does not have a room type with the specified name

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownTable :

The specified table does not exist.

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownUser :

The user is unknown

PlayerIOErrorCode.UnsupportedMethod :

The method requested is not supported

PlayerIOErrorCode.VaultNotLoaded :

Cannot access coins or items before vault has been loaded. Please refresh the vault first.


PlayerIOErrorCode.AccessDenied :

Access is denied


PlayerIOErrorCode.AchievementsNotLoaded :

Cannot access achievements before Refresh() has been called.


PlayerIOErrorCode.AdTrackCheckCookie :

Check cookie required.


PlayerIOErrorCode.ArgumentOutOfRange :

The given argument value is outside the range of allowed values.


PlayerIOErrorCode.BigDBObjectDoesNotExist :

Could not locate the database object.


PlayerIOErrorCode.BigDBObjectTooLarge :

The object exceeds the maximum allowed size for BigDB objects.


PlayerIOErrorCode.BuyingCoinsNotSupportedByProvider :

The specified PayVault provider does not support buying coins


PlayerIOErrorCode.CircularReference :

Cannot create circular references inside database objects


PlayerIOErrorCode.DialogClosed :

The dialog was closed by the user


The specified PayVault provider does not support direct purchase


PlayerIOErrorCode.ExternalError :

An error occurred while contacting an external service


PlayerIOErrorCode.GameDisabled :

The game has been disabled, most likely because of missing payment.


PlayerIOErrorCode.GameRequestsNotLoaded :

Cannot access requests before Refresh() has been called.


PlayerIOErrorCode.GameRequired :

A game is required to do this action


PlayerIOErrorCode.GeneralError :

A general error occurred


PlayerIOErrorCode.HeartbeatFailed :

The server could not complete the heartbeat


PlayerIOErrorCode.IndexOutOfBounds :

The index was out of bounds from the range of acceptable values


PlayerIOErrorCode.InternalError :

An unexpected error occurred inside the Player.IO webservice. Please try again.


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidArgument :

The given argument did not have the expected value


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidAuth :

The auth given is invalid or malformatted


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidBigDBKey :

The key given for the BigDB object is not a valid BigDB key. Keys must be between 1 and 50 characters. Only letters, numbers, hyphens, underbars, and spaces are allowed.


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidGameCode :

The game code is invalid


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidIdentifier :

The given identifier does not match the expected format


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidIndexValue :

The value given for the index, does not match the expected type.


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidMessageFormat :

The message is malformatted


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidNotificationsEndpoint :

The given notifications endpoint is invalid


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidPassword :

The password supplied is incorrect


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidPayVaultProviderSetup :

The chosen provider is not configured correctly in the admin panel


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidPurchaseArguments :

The chosen provider rejected one or more of the purchase arguments


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidRegistrationData :

The supplied data is incorrect


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidSegment :

The given segment was invalid.


PlayerIOErrorCode.InvalidType :

The given type was invalid


PlayerIOErrorCode.ItemNotInVault :

The item does not exist in the vault.


PlayerIOErrorCode.KeyAlreadyUsed :

The key is in use by another database object


PlayerIOErrorCode.LoggedOut :

This client has been logged out


PlayerIOErrorCode.MissingRoomId :

You can't join the room when the RoomID is null or the empty string


PlayerIOErrorCode.MissingValue :

A value is missing


PlayerIOErrorCode.NetworkIssue :

There is an issue with the network


PlayerIOErrorCode.NoServersAvailable :

There is no server in any of the selected server clusters for the game that are eligible to start a new room in (they're all at full capacity or there are no servers in any of the clusters). Either change the selected clusters for your game in the admin panel, try again later or start some more servers for one of your clusters.


PlayerIOErrorCode.NotASearchColumn :

The key you specified is not set as searchable. You can change the searchable keys in the admin panel for the server type


PlayerIOErrorCode.NotEnoughCoins :

The user does not have enough coins in the PayVault to complete the purchase or debit.


PlayerIOErrorCode.NotificationsNotLoaded :

Cannot access notification endpoints before Refresh() has been called.


PlayerIOErrorCode.NotObjectCreator :

The operation was aborted because the user attempting the operation was not the original creator of the object accessed.


PlayerIOErrorCode.OneScoreNotLoaded :

Cannot access OneScore before Refresh() has been called.


PlayerIOErrorCode.PublishingNetworkNotAvailable :

The Publishing Network features are only avaliable when authenticated to PlayerIO using Publishing Network authentication. Authentication methods are managed in the connections setting of your game in the admin panel on PlayerIO.


PlayerIOErrorCode.PublishingNetworkNotLoaded :

Cannot access profile, friends, ignored before Publishing Network has been loaded. Please refresh Publishing Network first.


PlayerIOErrorCode.QuickConnectMethodNotEnabled :

The QuickConnect method (simple, facebook, kongregate...) is not enabled for the game. You can enable the various methods in the admin panel for the game


PlayerIOErrorCode.RoomAlreadyExists :

You are unable to create room because there is already a room with the specified id


PlayerIOErrorCode.RoomDataTooLarge :

The room data for the room was over the allowed size limit


PlayerIOErrorCode.RoomIsFull :

The room already has the maxmium amount of users in it.


PlayerIOErrorCode.StaleVersion :

BigDB object could not be saved using optimistic locks as it's out of date.


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownAchievement :

Cannot find the achievement with the specified id.


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownConnection :

The connection requested is not known by the server


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownGame :

The game requested is not known by the server


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownIndex :

The specified index does not exist.


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownPartnerPayAction :

Unable to locate the custom PartnerPay action with the given key


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownPayVaultProvider :

There is no PayVault provider with the specified id


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownRoom :

There is no room running with that id


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownRoomType :

The game you're connected to does not have a room type with the specified name


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownTable :

The specified table does not exist.


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnknownUser :

The user is unknown


PlayerIOErrorCode.UnsupportedMethod :

The method requested is not supported


PlayerIOErrorCode.VaultNotLoaded :

Cannot access coins or items before vault has been loaded. Please refresh the vault first.