
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

  • Supports Buying Coins:
    Redirect Url
  • Supports Direct Purchase:

RockPay PayVault Provider

Setting up your RockPay account

  1. Talk to your RockPay representative. You should have gotten an Application Id and a Validation Key.
  2. You also need to setup exchange rates between coins and the currencies supported by RockPay. Talk to your RockPay representative for information on how to set that up.

Configuring PayVault on PlayerIO

  1. Enable RockPay in the PayVault Control Panel for your game.
  2. Enter the Application Id that you received.
  3. Enter the Validation Key that you received.

Buying Coins: GetBuyCoinsInfo()

Example of buying coins with RockPay in ActionScript 3:

Optional GetBuyCoinsInfo() Arguments
redirect The URL of the page that the user should be redirected to after completing his purchase.
Result Values
rockpayurl The URL the user should visit to do the purchase. You can show this in a popup or an IFrame or redirect the user to it.