
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Multiplayer Reference

Multiplayer  class documentationClass Game<P>

Namespace: PlayerIO.GameLibrary
Language: C# / .NET

The base class for all Player.IO Games. Inherit from this class to build your game.

The Game class is the main serverside class of a Multiplayer Game. It contains methods that are called when messages are received, when players joins or leaves the game, and methods to interact with the players that are in the game.

It's an abstract class, so you must create your game by inheriting from it.

The Game class is also generic which means that it's parameterized and must be told what class is used to represent a player connected to a game. The player class must inherit from PlayerIO.GameLibrary.BasePlayer.


Here is a simple bare-bones game and player implementation that simply broadcasts all received messages to all connected users. A bounce server if you will.


public bool
InDevelopmentServer  [read-only]

True if the game is currently running in the development server, False if the game is running in production.

public virtual int
PlayerCount  [read-only]

How many players are currently connected to this game room.

public Client
PlayerIO  [read-only]

Access to the Player.IO webservices

public IEnumerable<P>
Players  [read-only]

An enumerable list of all the players connected. Use foreach to loop over all the players.

public bool

Should new Player objects have their .PayVault objects loaded before they join the game?.

public bool

Should new Player objects have their .PlayerObject loaded before they join the game?.

public RoomData
RoomData  [read-only]

The data for the room. Room data is given when the room is created, returned when rooms are listed, and can be changed by the serverside game code.

public string
RoomId  [read-only]

The id of the current room. This is the same id that would be used when calling JoinRoom(...) from a client.

public ServerCache
ServerCache  [read-only]

Use server cache to store information in a game server. This information will be available in all rooms hosted in the game server where you stored it but will not be available in all your rooms since multiple game servers are used to host all your rooms. Server cache is ideal to cache BigDb DatabaseObject or any other data that is expensive to gather.

public bool

If the room is visible when listing rooms. Can be changed by your game code on the server.


public Timer
AddTimer (Action callback, int interval)

Creates a new timer for calling a specified method at some interval.

public virtual bool
AllowUserJoin (P player)

Called whenever a player attempts to join: If you override this method, simply return true to allow the join, and false to disallow the join. If you don't override it, it will allow everyone by default.

public void
Broadcast (Message message)

Broadcast a message to all connected players

public void
Broadcast (string type, params object[] parameters)

Broadcast a message to all connected players

public virtual void
GameClosed ()

This method is called when a game is closed.

public virtual void
GameStarted ()

This method is called when a game is created.

public virtual Image
GenerateDebugImage ()

Generate an image that can be displayed in the development server

public virtual void
GotMessage (P player, Message message)

Called when data is received from the player.

public void
RefreshDebugView ()

Causes the development server to display the image returned by GenerateDebugImage();

public Timer
ScheduleCallback (Action callback, int dueTime)

Schedules a one-time callback in the future

public virtual void
ServerEnteredNoJoin ()

Called by the hosting server (in the production game server cluster) when it enters the NoJoin state. The game should take action accordingly.

public virtual void
UserJoined (P player)

Called whenever a client has joined the room.

public virtual void
UserLeft (P player)

Called whenever a client leaves the room. The room is closed when the last person leaves the room.


public bool
InDevelopmentServer  [read-only]

True if the game is currently running in the development server, False if the game is running in production.


public virtual int
PlayerCount  [read-only]

How many players are currently connected to this game room.


public Client
PlayerIO  [read-only]

Access to the Player.IO webservices


public IEnumerable<P>
Players  [read-only]

An enumerable list of all the players connected. Use foreach to loop over all the players.


public bool

Should new Player objects have their .PayVault objects loaded before they join the game?.


public bool

Should new Player objects have their .PlayerObject loaded before they join the game?.


public RoomData
RoomData  [read-only]

The data for the room. Room data is given when the room is created, returned when rooms are listed, and can be changed by the serverside game code.



public string
RoomId  [read-only]

The id of the current room. This is the same id that would be used when calling JoinRoom(...) from a client.


public ServerCache
ServerCache  [read-only]

Use server cache to store information in a game server. This information will be available in all rooms hosted in the game server where you stored it but will not be available in all your rooms since multiple game servers are used to host all your rooms. Server cache is ideal to cache BigDb DatabaseObject or any other data that is expensive to gather.


public bool

If the room is visible when listing rooms. Can be changed by your game code on the server.

This property is useful when you want to create a room, spend some amount of time setting it up, and when that is done mark it as visible for others who list rooms.


public Timer
AddTimer (Action callback, int interval)

Creates a new timer for calling a specified method at some interval.


Action callback
The method to be used for callbacks. Example usage: delegate(){ Console.WriteLine("called"); }
int interval
The interval in milliseconds between callbacks


public virtual bool
AllowUserJoin (P player)

Called whenever a player attempts to join: If you override this method, simply return true to allow the join, and false to disallow the join. If you don't override it, it will allow everyone by default.

Note that the user has not fully joined the game when this method is called, so Broadcast messages won't reach the user.


P player


public void
Broadcast (Message message)

Broadcast a message to all connected players


Message message
the message to broadcast


public void
Broadcast (string type, params object[] parameters)

Broadcast a message to all connected players


string type
the type of the message to broadcast
params object[] parameters
the data of the message to broadcast


public virtual void
GameClosed ()

This method is called when a game is closed.


public virtual void
GameStarted ()

This method is called when a game is created.


public virtual Image
GenerateDebugImage ()

Generate an image that can be displayed in the development server


public virtual void
GotMessage (P player, Message message)

Called when data is received from the player.


P player
Message message


public void
RefreshDebugView ()

Causes the development server to display the image returned by GenerateDebugImage();


public Timer
ScheduleCallback (Action callback, int dueTime)

Schedules a one-time callback in the future


Action callback
The method to be used for callbacks. Example usage: delegate(){ Console.WriteLine("called"); }
int dueTime
The offset time in milliseconds for the timeout. Example: 1 second in the future is 1000


public virtual void
ServerEnteredNoJoin ()

Called by the hosting server (in the production game server cluster) when it enters the NoJoin state. The game should take action accordingly.

In order to support updating the system without abruptly ending games, rolling restarts are used which moves servers through 3 states:

  • Live: Games can be created/joined and everything is perfect.
  • NoCreate: No new instances can be created on the server (they'll just be created on any of the many other servers in the cluster).
  • NoJoin: Nobody can join the instances running on this server.

Servers will start in Live. When the system requires an update, the server will enter NoCreate and stay there for many hours (12-24). By then, most of the instances will have closed by natural causes (players leaving the games) and very few games will be left on the server.

The server then enters NoJoin where nobody can join the last few remaning instances. The NoJoin state lasts for about 6 hours, which gives the last few remaining games time to finish. The server will then shutdown where it's highly unlikely that any games remain.

Since potentially games might still be running at the end of NoJoin (although it's highly unlikely), the ServerEnteredNoJoin method is called whenever the server changes state into NoJoin.

This gives games the flexibility to handle the rolling restarts in a manner suited to their game. Only persistent games (MMO's) will need to use this method, and the most likely usecase is that they send out a "zone under maintenence, please reconnect" message to their client code, which simply rejoins the zone which will then be created on another server.


public virtual void
UserJoined (P player)

Called whenever a client has joined the room.


P player


public virtual void
UserLeft (P player)

Called whenever a client leaves the room. The room is closed when the last person leaves the room.


P player