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Notifications - Google Android

Configuring Push Notifications with Google Cloud Messaging

  • Follow the Getting Started guide on by Google on how to create a Google API Project and enabling push notifications (called Google Cloud Messaging).
  • The 'Project Number' of your Google API project is the SENDER ID needed for push notifications.
  • The API Key you obtain is your Authentication Token needed by PlayerIO.
  • Open the Notifications Control Panel and go to the 'Configure' page.
  • Check 'Enable Google Cloud Messaging Push Notifications'
  • Enter the API Key into the field called 'Authentication Token'

Registering an Android device as a Notification endpoint

You need to register the device id through the Client Libraries. This identifier will be the registrationId returned by the GoogleCloudMessaging.register method.

The endpoint type for this platform is called "google-cloud-messaging".

Please see the documentation of the registerEndpoint method in the Notifications API for the Android Client Library on how to invoke it.