
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Multiplayer support for Unity3D WebGL builds

Posted: 15 Jun 2017

We are proud to announce that the PlayerIO Unity SDK now has full support for WebGL builds, including running multiplayer over WebSockets!

This means that if you already have a multiplayer PlayerIO game built in Unity, you can now target WebGL as well, and it will just work without you having to do anything special for that build target. Our client library will seamlessly establish a WebSocket connection and marshal Multiplayer Messages between the multiplayer server and your game code, so you can use the same game code regardless of platform.

If you already have a mobile PlayerIO game built in Unity and are looking to get it published on the web as well, the PlayerIO Publishing Network makes that really easy!

We have also updated the "Mushrooms" Unity example game in the SDK so that it works with recent versions of the Unity IDE, which should make it much easier for new developers to get started with Unity and PlayerIO.