
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Welcome to the new PlayerIO!

Posted: 12 May 2016

The services formally known as the Yahoo Games Backend Services has been fully migrated out of the Yahoo data center to its new home in the PlayerIO data center. This marks the end of the transition period from Yahoo to The Games Platform Company. We'd like to thank Yahoo for their stewardship of the platform, and for allowing us to acquire and invest in the platform going forward.

Although the migration was supposed to happen seamlessly without any incurred downtime, various issues from both networking and storage components contributed to 1 hour and 40 minutes of partial to complete service downtime. We're not happy with this, and will be performing a post mortem on the migration during the next couple of days.

Going forward, our top priority will be ensuring a high level of stability and uptime. After that we intend to fix outstanding bugs, and then add the most requested features that developers like you have been asking for. In other words, our priorities are:

#1 Stability
#2 Bugs
#3 Features

If you currently have any issues or suggestions for us, please reach out to

Onwards and upwards!

- Team PlayerIO

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