Forum C# NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!


Postby JimLion » July 11th, 2014, 4:34 pm

This is so rediculous. It is apparent that Yahoo Games has no idea how to maintain a code framework.

1. Keep old sdk's downloadable. It is so, so, so retarded to only give 1 download option. Now, I cannot use Yaho Games SDK at all, because I cannot get it anywhere else...

2. I cannot believe no one at Yahoo Games tested this before releasing it. I am disgusted, and you should be embarassed to call yourself the owners of the Plaeryio API.

3. 'MicroProtoBuff' Error happens for ALL flash projects.

This is pathetic. I can't believe I switched from my old multiplayer framework to this. -_-

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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby polovaikin » July 13th, 2014, 12:26 pm

Yes. I have the same error...

An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Player.IO Development Server.exe

3.0.7 sdk server examples not working...
Anybody help???
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Amoeba » July 14th, 2014, 3:24 pm

Excuse me,

If anyone still has been keeping the preview version passing by this thread please upload the version and share with us. As JimLion and polovaikin said, 3.0.7 doesn't work for building development server, it is only able to build DLL which is fine to use through Yahoo server. But having to upload new DLL everytime needing to make a small test is a bit too much, especially when we can't remove our DLLs on the server...

This is the error on run-time when running development server:
Code: Select all
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Player.IO Development Server.exe

Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 'MicroProtobuf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I hope Yahoo will allow developers to download older versions. At least that is all what we need right now. :(

Thank you.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Henrik » July 15th, 2014, 10:02 pm

Sorry about this, version 3.0.8 is released now that fixes this issue.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby freerangegames » July 16th, 2014, 2:45 pm

Henrik wrote:Sorry about this, version 3.0.8 is released now that fixes this issue.

The error remains on 3.0.8. for me. Example fails on first .Connect()
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby JimLion » July 16th, 2014, 2:52 pm

Is it fixed or not? Henrik, no offense but you and your coworkers should be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Ging » July 16th, 2014, 6:44 pm

JimLion wrote:Is it fixed or not? Henrik, no offense but you and your coworkers should be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously.

It's fixed
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby lyngoheather » July 16th, 2014, 8:06 pm


I've been having some problems with the Dev Server and I'm wondering if this is related?

I am using the latest version 3.0.8 which I downloaded today. The Dev Server stopped working before I downloaded this version though so I wonder if something isn't connecting right.

Here are the things which are not working for me currently:

1. dev server no longer outputs any strings with Console.WriteLine() although seems to be running and sending data to clients
2. when users join a "service room" on the dev server each user creates its own room instead of just joining the one that is already open
3. calls to listRooms from the client to the dev server return no data even when there are open rooms that should be returned
4. dev server rooms no longer display on the Multiplayer - Statistics page of the website while they are running
5. dev server displays version on the title bar even though I have definitely updated to the latest version (all in a new folder, cleared it so that it wouldn't load previous dll etc - as I usually do when I update)

The live server that I uploaded yesterday seems to still be running fine. However I've gone back to previous saved versions of my game and tried running the Dev Server and it is broken like this on all previous version too.

Does anyone else have this happening to them with the Dev Server at the moment?
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Ging » July 16th, 2014, 8:31 pm

Have same problems
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby robscherer123 » July 16th, 2014, 8:54 pm

Wow, good thing I saw this topic. I just completely un-installed visual studio and have been messing with all kinds of setting and what not trying to fix the problem. My problem is that Console.WriteLine() is not working for me.. This makes testing thing a big pain since I need to see my output. The thing is, I didn't download the new SDK at all, it just randomly stopped working for me.. =[

Also, to back up what was already said.. It is not showing up on my "multiplayer" page on the website either. This isn't really a problem, but I thought I'd note it.

I could really use a fix for the WriteLine not working.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby lyngoheather » July 17th, 2014, 10:49 am

I've just tested it now and its all working again! Such a relief! Many thanks to whoever sorted it out :)
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby robscherer123 » July 17th, 2014, 3:08 pm

Awesome, works for me now too. Thanks for the fix.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby » July 23rd, 2014, 12:02 pm

yea downloaded 3.0.8 and still no fix for microprotobuf assembly not found, it happens when i tried the Dotnet>Player.IO client example
if anyone has a solution please share
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby freerangegames » July 23rd, 2014, 1:29 pm

all of you that have it working, could you please check version and report? When I download the latest it says and exception is there for example project.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby robscherer123 » July 23rd, 2014, 3:19 pm

freerangegames wrote:all of you that have it working, could you please check version and report? When I download the latest it says and exception is there for example project.

Mine says the same version number. However I'm making a flash game and I'm not using the Dotnet folder, so I can't verify that I have the same problem.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Henrik » July 23rd, 2014, 5:31 pm

3.0.9 is now available, it should fix the issue with the .Net client you are seeing.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Amoeba » July 23rd, 2014, 5:45 pm

Thank you Henrik.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby robscherer123 » July 23rd, 2014, 6:03 pm

Just a note, but I believe the "new" SDK files for Flash are outdated. I'm referring to the PlayerIO.GameLibrary.dll and xml file. The previous version said they were last updated on 7/7/2014 but the new version says last update on the files was 3/26/2014. And when I go to use them I am unable to connect to the room, it infinitely tries to connect.

Not a problem for me since I still have the old files, but might want to be fixed for new people donwloading the SDK as they may be unable to develop.
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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby » July 24th, 2014, 4:59 am

Thanks Henrik, i would like to confirm that 3.0.9 is working now both on windows and mac(xamarin), for those who still having trouble i suggest to check/add your Dll Reference list. mine are :
- PlayerIOClient.dll
- Microsoft.Csharp
- System
- System.Core
- System.Data
- System.Data.DatasetExtensions
- System.Data.Linq
- System.xml
- System.xml.linq

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Re: NEW SDK DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby vspin » August 5th, 2014, 9:38 pm

SDK v3.0.10

Player.IO Development Server not working. When I try to login, the login screen goes away and comes back (no error of bad credentials). I tried logging in with invalid credentials, and as expected, I received an error.

Another poster:

Code: Select all
Exception Joining Cluster: PlayerIO.GameLibrary.PlayerIOError: An unexpected error occurred inside the Player.IO webservice. Please try again.
   at PlayerIO.ServerCore.PlayerIOClient.PlayerIOChannel.MultiplayerChannel.Call[A,O,E](Int32 methodId, A args)
   at PlayerIO.ServerCore.PlayerIOClient.PlayerIOChannel.JoinCluster(String clusterAccessKey, Boolean isDevelopmentServer, List`1 ports, String machineName, String version, String machineId, String os, String cpu, UInt32 cpuCores, UInt32 cpuLogicalCores, UInt32 cpuAddressWidth, UInt32 cpuMaxClockSpeed, UInt32 ramMegabytes, UInt32 ramSpeed)
   at PlayerIO.ServerCore.identifier19.JoinCluster(String clusterAccessKey, Assembly callingAssembly)
   at PlayerIO.DevelopmentServer.DevServer.TryStart()

EDIT: I may be doing something wrong. I tried an older version of the Player.IO Development Server and it behaved the same... Hmmmm

EDIT: An existing issue apparently never solved:
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It's not new SDK's fault

Postby angelhdz12 » March 9th, 2016, 10:04 am

It's Player.IO Development Server.exe's fault. After hours of struggling, came up with the idea of testing the Tic-Tac-Toe's project, and it worked like a charm, so I began searching for differences between that project and the NewGame project. Finally, replaced the Player.IO Development Server.exe from NewGame project with the one in Tic-Tac-Toe's project
(in each sub folders:
- Serverside Code\Multiplayer,
- Serverside Code\Player.IO Test Server Project\bin\Debug
- Serverside Code\Player.IO Test Server Project\bin\Debug
- Serverside Code\Player.IO Test Server Project\obj\Debug

and it finally loaded the correct .dll file (newGame.dll in my case). Errors gone and it connected. Hope this helps someone.

There errors in the attached pictures.

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works.jpg (91.31 KiB) Viewed 146261 times
works2.jpg (107.99 KiB) Viewed 146261 times
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