I need to search any of 6 properties in a table object. IE. Maybe 2 of them, maybe 4 of them maybe all 6. I'm trying to use LoadRange to get users that have any of those 6 properties. I've created an index with each of the 6 properties. When I try to pass the data to pathIndex with "new object[] { null, null,null,itemtoSearch,null,null}" (in this example it would only search the 4th item and ignore the rest it) it throws an exception. I'm guessing turning off/on a search items in the index by passing null is not allowed?
How do you do OR searching logic? Seems everything in the index is using the AND for each index property.
I thought of creating an index for each property and doing a search for each one but there is a limit of 4 indexes per table. I need at least 6 plus more for potential other search functions.
Whats the best way I can accomplish this search?