Zombie Ops Online
Multiplayer First Person Shooter. Up to 4 Player Co-op.
- Amazon App link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HCZO00W
- Google Play link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...ombieOpsOnline
- Search "Zombie Ops" from Google Play's Android store or Amazon App store to find it, any feedback is appreciated.
- coming soon to iOS

Live Features:
Clan System with Online / Offline Member List & Promote / Demote
4 Players Per Server
Game Mode "Coop Survival" is available.
Map "Zombie Manor" is available.
In game chat is easily accessible from an on screen button.
Mini Event Display for showing who killed who, and who entered the game.
Create/Join/Switch servers, even while currently in a game.
Registration with database to track kills, deaths, current XP/Level, virtual currency.
Guest Login
Player Profiles
Vote Kicking, Vote Banning, Report Language, Report Hacking
Clan Servers, with Instant Kick and IP Ban.
Voice Chat.