Forum BigDB Grouped query?

Discussion and help relating to the PlayerIO database solution, BigDB.

Grouped query?

Postby RedCorona_EGA12 » September 5th, 2012, 10:41 pm

For my game (MMO) I want a marketplace. (Actually I want several at different locations but let's just say one for the sake of this question, as separate ones per location is easy.) On that marketplace you can place bids and offers for a variety of commodities.

The query I want to be able to do is 'get me the top 5 bids, and the top 5 offers, by price, for each commodity'. Is there a way to structure my data and indices such that I can do that in one query with BigDB? I don't really want to have to do a query for every commodity type every time someone asks to see the market.
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Joined: August 22nd, 2012, 9:11 pm

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