
The fastest way to build online games without breaking a sweat.

Forum News and Updates Please welcome adamw and wlouisg

Announcements relating to the Player.IO APIs and website.

Please welcome adamw and wlouisg

Postby Benjaminsen » September 11th, 2013, 10:53 pm

Hi Everyone,

As you know, we've taken a big step toward the goal of building the best possible gaming infrastructure platform by joining Yahoo Games. They share our passion for helping developers to build great games, without having to worry about creating and scaling the infrastructure required to operate today’s biggest successes. Our platform will continue to support the same great games that you love playing today … and in fact, it will only get better from here!

We have spent the past four years growing a three-person startup into a product that powers games played by over 150 million people worldwide and we are adding over 400,000 new end users every day. With Yahoo’s backing, we will be able to crank out improvements to our platform faster than ever before. Our transition period has been insanely busy, and we apologize for not being as active in the forums. As part of our continuing support for our existing product, we'd like to introduce two new members of the PlayerIO moderation group: adamw and wlouisg. They will be our frontline contacts in the forums: answering basic questions, pointing to and updating documentation, taking suggestions and escalating your issues to our tech team. Please welcome them and give them some time to get fully up-to-speed, they're eager to get started.

If you are interested in being a part of the adventure, we are hiring talented developers in San Francisco and Sunnyvale, to come help us build the next big thing in online games. We will reach millions of players daily across web, tablets and mobile, handling billions of low-latency API requests a day. Please see available positions and more information at:

Chris Benjaminsen
Posts: 1444
Joined: January 12th, 2010, 11:54 am
Location: Denmark

Re: Please welcome adamw and wlouisg

Postby wlouisg » September 12th, 2013, 8:04 pm

Thanks Chris! Hi everybody,

Adam and I are very excited to be joining this team and we look forward to interacting with the PlayerIO community. This is a passionate community working together to develop fantastic games and we're here to help!

Adam and I will be answering your questions, when we can, and escalating to the tech team when we can't. We want to make sure that your voices are heard and that you get all the help that we can provide.

There is a learning curve for us and we appreciate your patience while get up to speed, but what we lack in knowledge we make up for in enthusiasm and dedication to helping our customers.

We look forward to getting to know all of you.

Posts: 2
Joined: August 28th, 2013, 7:45 pm

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