I have an issue with connection when I use cellular data.
- Code: Select all
void ConnectServer()
PlayerIO.UseSecureApiRequests = true;
PlayerIO.Authenticate(Settings.game_id, "Public", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "userId", Settings.PRIMARY_CODE } }, null,
delegate (Client cl)
if (isDebug)
Debug.Log("Connected to server!");
this.cl = cl;
delegate (PlayerIOError er)
print("ConnectServer Error: " + er.ToString());
Invoke("ConnectServer", 1f);
//connecting to select room
void CreateRoom()
if (isDebug)
print("connecting to room...");
cl.Multiplayer.CreateJoinRoom("START_" + Settings.PRIMARY_CODE, "StartRoom", true, null, null,
delegate (Connection con)
if (isDebug)
Debug.Log("Connected to room!");
this.con = con;
this.con.OnMessage += new MessageReceivedEventHandler(con_OnMessage);
this.con.OnDisconnect += new DisconnectEventHandler(con_OnDisconnect);
IsTryingConnect = false;
if (!info_received)
Invoke("SendAppInformation", 1f);
delegate (PlayerIOError er)
print("CreateRoom Error: " + er);
Invoke("CreateRoom", 1f);
Here is logcat:
- Code: Select all
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : Connected to server!
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : StartConnectionScript:<ConnectServer>b__30_0(Client)
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : PlayerIOClient.PlayerIO:authSuccess(Client, identifier175, List`1, Callback`1, Callback`1)
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : PlayerIOClient.Internal.identifier911:MoveNext()
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity :
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : connecting to room...
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : StartConnectionScript:CreateRoom()
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : PlayerIOClient.PlayerIO:authSuccess(Client, identifier175, List`1, Callback`1, Callback`1)
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : PlayerIOClient.Internal.identifier911:MoveNext()
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
11-14 10:57:46.910 20457 20521 I Unity :
It is connected to the server but can't create room.
When I use WiFi everything works fine.
Can anybody tell me what the problem is?
Update: I think I found the problem's reason: unity3d plugin doesn't support Ipv6 protocol connection.
Are there any plans to implement Ipv6 protocol support for unity3d plugin?
I created an android native app with PlayerIO.aar library and it can connect to the server and create room. If I use playerIO for unity3d it can connect to the server, but can't create room.