Hello there,
I'm trying to integrate our game to Yahoo Games Network, but got some issues during the first steps, here I listed what I want to know:
1. Following the instructions, we clicked "Enable Canvs" and asaw a Secure Canvas Host that requires a link. After putting up a link there, I hit the Test button, but seems like it didn't work:
2. I failed to select any connection, not sure what I missed.
3. How can I know php codes for what I've quoted below?
var parts = getQueryString("usertoken").split(".")
var jsonBytes = base64urlDecode(parts[0])
var userInfo = parseJSON(jsonBytes)
var auth = base64urlDecode(parts[1])
if (userinfo.expires > getCurrentUnixTime()) {
if (userinfo.version == "V1_HMACSHA256") {
var auth = hmacSha256(getUtf8Bytes(gameSecret), jsonBytes)
if (jsonBytes == auth) {
// User is valid. Continue.
} else {
error("invalid usertoken auth")
} else {
error("unknown usertoken version: " + userinfo.version)
} else {
error("the token has expired");
I'm new to Yahoo Games Network, any help would be kindly appreciated. Thanks in advance.