Forum Scripting using Yahoo Notifications

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using Yahoo Notifications

Postby Stuart Cook » June 7th, 2014, 8:10 pm

I'm trying to wrap my head around using Push Notifications using the Client Notifications setup. (using Unity 4.3.4)

This is the code I've got but it never does a successful callback - the 'uniqueID' is a Facebook ID (I've checked this is OK), the EndPointType is the string you see - but the Docs state in 1 place it should be the device token returned from Apple ( ... eviceToken:), but how do you get that from Unity as that seems to be an Xcode objective C setup?

Basically, have I got the EndPointType bit wrong as the docs aren't exactly clear?

const string EndPointType = "ios-push-notifications";
public static bool IOPushesRegistered = false;
public static Dictionary<string,string> IOPushConfigDict = null;

EndPointType, uniqueID, IOPushConfigDict, true,
delegate() {
//success - set check here to say 'I'm registered for pushes!'
IOPushesRegistered = true;
if(Debug.isDebugBuild) Debug.Log("Registered for Yahoo Push Notifications");

NB My iOS Push Certificates are set up correctly on Apple and the Backend, guaranteed as I used them with PushWoosh before trying to swap to this system.
Stuart Cook
Posts: 7
Joined: September 3rd, 2013, 10:06 pm

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