Forum Multiplayer CreateJoinRoom on android api Playerio don't work

Discussion and help relating to the PlayerIO Multiplayer API.

CreateJoinRoom on android api Playerio don't work

Postby mouldi » October 25th, 2014, 7:04 pm

Please help here my code i never get the callbackfrom Pio services
but it works when i change the platform to pc or web plz help ?
public void ConnectToLobby()
if ((_client != null) && (_userid != null))

LoadingState = _loadingstate.CONNECTING_TO_SERVER;
_client.Multiplayer.CreateJoinRoom( null,
"Lobby", true,

delegate( Connection connection)
Debug.Log("Connected to Lobby from pio");
infomsg = "pio connected to lobby";

LoadingState = _loadingstate.DONE;
_connection = connection;
_connection.OnMessage += OnMessage;
Connected = true;
Debug.Log("this pio test true connection from Conencted =" + this.Connected);
delegate( PlayerIOError error )
Connected = false;
infomsg = "pio can't connect to lobby";
Debug.Log( "Failed to join room: " + error.Message );
} );

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Joined: December 28th, 2012, 2:02 am

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