Downloaded the last SDK, configured the facebook app and sitebox and got the seedlings working fine. Still when I try to facebookOAuthConnectPopup from the IDE, or even when putting the swf on the web, Im getting the " An error occured, please try again" from facebook.
Here's the code. Im using flash CS6 - exporting for player 11.2
- Code: Select all
import flash.display.Sprite;
import playerio.Client;
import playerio.PlayerIO;
import playerio.PlayerIOError;
public class TestFB extends Sprite
public function TestFB()
var gameid:String = "..." // YOUR GAME ID HERE
function(c:Client, token:String, userid:String):void{
trace("now connected",c,token,userid)
}, function(e:PlayerIOError):void{}
I did a few projects with playerio and facebook about a year ago and it worked flawlessly. Did something change, or did I forget to configure something?