Forum C# Http request on server

Http request on server

Postby prsolucoes » March 23rd, 2010, 3:59 am


Im here again to suggest more one think.

First, everyone knows my MMORPG? :)

So, what i suggest?
When we have games that need a database and a server that store some informations about the players and this informations we need have external access to edit informations, see top players, make a search options for users, buy special things for the game and much more others things that we need access with the player information store on database.

Thinking in this and while i develop my game i suggest that playerio team, make a method to we post/get information by url and receive the data as xml, json and text.


On my game i need create account, but for this i need a database. but to dont use playerio space and process we call methods on our server that will make it for us.

1 - Player send the information by form to playerio server:
data = {"name" : "Paulo Coutinho", "username" : "prchakal", "password": "123", "agree": "1"}

2 - Server receive the message typed: "register" and send the information to my server:

public override void GotMessage(Player player, Message message) {
switch(message.Type) {

//register player
case "REGISTER": {
String url = "";

var name = message.GetString(0).Trim();
var username = message.GetString(1).Trim();
var password = message.GetString(2).Trim();

XmlDocument xmlDoc =, name, username, password); //the params after url is an array like Broadcast command

if (xmlDoc) {
//process XML received on xmlDoc
} else {
//send error message to player (player.send...)

Then, this is a poor example, but will help us too much and to extend our horizons :)

What you think about?
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Re: Http request on server

Postby Oliver » March 23rd, 2010, 7:44 pm

Hey Again,

This is the 2nd request for the ability to make http requests from the server this week.

It's on the horizon now, i'm pretty sure we'll put it on the roadmap.

- Oliver
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Re: Http request on server

Postby prsolucoes » June 1st, 2010, 5:00 pm

Hi Oliver,

Do you have any notice about it?

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Re: Http request on server

Postby Oliver » June 2nd, 2010, 6:06 pm


It's not in the intimidate road map, so i can't give any statements as to when it'll be available... Sorry.

- Oliver
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Re: Http request on server

Postby Oliver » July 1st, 2010, 11:11 am

It is, however, available now :-)

Web Requests for everybody!

- Oliver
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