You have an excellent service here, and I'm planning on moving forward using Player.IO as my game server, hosting and data storage solution. However, one thing that would be really nice and blow the competition completely out of the water is a UDP layer with various reliability channels built-in. Other solutions such as photon, or even open-source networking libraries like Lidgren or Raknet all use UDP with various reliability options - chat is reliable ordered so that it's guaranteed to always arrive in order, movement is unreliable sequenced so that if some packets are lost it doesn't waste time resending, it just uses the latest data. The end result is that things like movement in general suffer from far fewer issues due to packet loss or slower connections (including mobile platforms), and the reliable data is pretty much on par with TCP. Flash, Unity, and general .NET clients all support UDP now, so there shouldn't be any client limitations to this.
I've seen this question asked a few times, but no real responses in quite awhile other than "maybe if people want it" from a year or so ago. Are there any plans to add a UDP layer?